属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-世界经济 比看起来更糟
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国的学校改革 优胜劣汰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国大众 征服全世界(下)
1 | 我们已将每一件事计划得很好所以不可能会出问题。 | We have everything planned out so well that nothing could possibly go wrong . | |
2 | 我在计算中什么地方出了差错 | Where did I go wrong in my calculation? | |
3 | 我在撒玛利亚的先知中曾见愚妄。他们借巴力说预言,使我的百姓以色列走错了路。 | and I have seen ways without sense in the prophets of Samaria; they became prophets of the Baal, causing my people Israel to go wrong . | |
4 | 效仿你阿姨,你就不会出差错了。 | Copy your aunt and you won’t go wrong . | |
5 | 写作时可能遇到如下问题:哪些事情可能会随着交易变得很遭,哪些事可能会在将来发生,哪些事情已经发生了,哪些可以让事情朝好的方向发展的方法。 | Many ideas will occur to you as you write: things that could go wrong with the deal, things that might happen in the future, things that happened in the past, ways to structure things better. | |
6 | 一个人可以以许多不同的方式走错路,但走对路的方式却只有一个,这就是挫败容易成功难--脱靶容易中靶难的原因。--亚里士多德 | One may go wrong in many different ways, but right only in one, which is why it is easy to fail and difficult to succeed-easy to miss the target and difficult to hit it.--Aristotle | |
7 | 因此,一旦铁路上真出了问题,人们便不假思索地责备铁路当局 | It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities when something does go wrong . | |
8 | 有时机器不知为什么就坏了 | Sometimes the machine will go wrong without any apparent cause | |
9 | 在瞬息万变的今天,还要有预见社会发展的疏漏而知所纠偏的洞察力与勇气。 | But to keep up with the fast-changing world, a leader also needs to have the foresight to predict what may go wrong as well as the courage to correct it | |
10 | 在这个关键的,临近尾声的阶段,他不希望自己精神产儿的降生出现任何差错。 | At this vital, near-final stage he wanted nothing to go wrong with the launching of his brainchild | |
11 | 这方案不可能出毛病。 | The project can’t go wrong . | |
12 | 这计划不可能出毛病。 | The plan can’t go wrong . | |
13 | 这计划也许会出错。 | The plan may go wrong . | |
14 | 这计划永远都不会出错。 | The plan will never go wrong . | |
15 | 这类事情出错时,政府总是会受到指责。 | When these things go wrong , the government tends to take the rap. | |
16 | 正如悉尼郊区帕拉马塔的许多人最近发现的那样,事情出岔子的规模可能很大。 | Things can go wrong on a big scale as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney. | |
17 | 只要一出事他就爱说`我早就跟你说过吧!' | He loves to say `I told you so!’ when things go wrong . | |
18 | 做广告的人们多年前就发现我们大家都喜欢免费得到东西,凡是用免费“这个神奇的词开头的广告很少会失败的 | Advertisers discovered years ago that all of us love to get something for nothing. An advertisement which begins with the magic word FREE can rarely go wrong . | |
19 | ||1:给疲软经济体的良方很简单:自我医治。||2:与其等待美国帮他们解决问题,他们应该将近年来一连串的坏消息视作警示。||3:欧洲央行应该立即开始买债行动。||4:日本政府应该等到经济复苏之后再提升消费税。||5:实力尚存的国家,尤其是德国,应该投资基础设施建设。||6:即使是美国和应该也应该小心谨慎,特别是不要过早紧缩货币政策。||7:随时都有可能出岔子—他们可不想再重新回到经济衰退的悲惨境地。 | ||1:The prescription for the weaklings is simple: heal thyself.||2:Rather than waiting for America to solve their problems, the laggards should treat the recent spate of bad news as a wake-up call.||3:The ECB should start bond-buying forthwith.||4:The Japanese government should delay the rise in the consumption tax until the economy recovers.||5:Countries that can afford it, notably Germany, should invest in infrastructure.||6:And even America and Britain should be wary, especially over tightening monetary policy too quickly.||7:There is a lot that can go wrong —and they don’t want to be dragged back into those woods again. | |
20 | ||1:仍有很多地方会出现差池。||2:据卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院预测,截至2025年,发电成本将整体上涨70%。||3:德国必须修建或升级8300千米(5157英里)的电力传输线,其中不包括将海上风电站连到电网的线路。||4:风能、太阳能的间接性在搅乱专为其投资建立的商业模型的同时,也产生了对备用发电机组的需求。 | ||1:Much could go wrong .||2:Wholesale electricity prices will be 70% higher by 2025, predicts the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.||3:Germany must build or upgrade 8,300km (5,157 miles) of transmission lines (not including connections to offshore wind farms).||4:Intermittent wind and sun power creates a need for backup generators, while playing havoc with business models that justify investing in them. | |
21 | ||1:随着各学校自主权的增强,问责制缺口问题已然出现。对此,解决方法各式各样。||2:其一是使学校脱离地方政府的保守经营。||3:其二是确保学院或义校出现问题时政府的有效介入。||4:目前,该义务由英国教育部承担。对于该现状,某评论家称之为“拿破仑式管理”(同时,由于私人团体强烈要求精简英国政府,这一现状也比较反常)。 | ||1:The spread of more autonomous schools has created a gap in accountability, which has been filled in a piecemeal way.||2:Getting sluggish local authorities out of running schools is one thing.||3:Ensuring effective intervention when things go wrong in academies or free schools is another.||4:At the moment this role is left to the Department for Education—a state of affairs described by one critic as “Napoleonic” (it is also odd, given the coalition’s enthusiasm for pruning Whitehall bureaucracy). | |
22 | 可能出差错的地方还有很多。2008年,丰田从通用手中夺过头名,怎料却在急于提高数量时,被质量所羁绊。如果大众生产的某一车型出现缺陷,那么公司所使用的共享平台会使大众集团变得不堪一击。 | Still, plenty could go wrong . Toyota captured the top spot from GM in 2008, only to stumble on quality as it rushed for quantity. VW’s shared platforms make it vulnerable if one of them turns out to be flawed. | |
23 | 由于故障减少,维修和备件市场会萎缩。 | With less to go wrong , the market for maintenance and spare parts will shrink. | |
24 | “如果我们实施大量的监管政策,我可以保证,什么都不会出错的,但是什么又都不对,”他说。 | "You can have huge amounts of regulation and I will guarantee nothing will go wrong , but nothing will go right either, " he said. | |
25 | 1992年是一场看不到希望的大灾难,而1994年辉煌灿烂,并且没有什么会出错。 | In 1992, it was disaster with no hope. In 1994, it was brilliant and nothing could go wrong . | |
26 | 2008年的金融危机就是一个非常具有教育意思的时刻,一场实际教训,说明如果任凭市场经济自我调整就会发生什么样的问题。 | The financial crisis of 2008 was a teachable moment, an object lesson in what can go wrong if you trust a market economy to regulate itself. | |
27 | 阿富汗是头号鸦片与海洛因的出口国。这张图是该国混乱的一个缩影。 | Afghanistan is the No. 1 exporter of opium and heroin, and this picture is a microcosm of everything that can go wrong in a country. | |
28 | 爸爸认为如果我要在电脑上玩电子游戏的话,电脑就会出毛病 | thinks if I play games on it, it will go wrong . My father | |
29 | 悲观的人使用相同的“剧本”;但是,当情况出问题就责备自己,而事情顺利,又拒绝给自己赞颂。 | Pessimists use the same scripts; but they blame themselves when things go wrong and refuse to give themselves credit when things go well. | |
30 | 不管你多么努力的去做的演讲,总有一些小失误是难以避免的。 | 8. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Despite your best preparation, something might go wrong as it did during the keynote. |