属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-世界经济 比看起来更糟
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:行动起来
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:行动起来
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:铁路相关词汇
1 | 我们已将每一件事计划得很好所以不可能会出问题。 | We have everything planned out so well that nothing could possibly go wrong . | |
2 | 我在计算中什么地方出了差错 | Where did I go wrong in my calculation? | |
3 | 我在撒玛利亚的先知中曾见愚妄。他们借巴力说预言,使我的百姓以色列走错了路。 | and I have seen ways without sense in the prophets of Samaria; they became prophets of the Baal, causing my people Israel to go wrong . | |
4 | 效仿你阿姨,你就不会出差错了。 | Copy your aunt and you won’t go wrong . | |
5 | 写作时可能遇到如下问题:哪些事情可能会随着交易变得很遭,哪些事可能会在将来发生,哪些事情已经发生了,哪些可以让事情朝好的方向发展的方法。 | Many ideas will occur to you as you write: things that could go wrong with the deal, things that might happen in the future, things that happened in the past, ways to structure things better. | |
6 | 一个人可以以许多不同的方式走错路,但走对路的方式却只有一个,这就是挫败容易成功难--脱靶容易中靶难的原因。--亚里士多德 | One may go wrong in many different ways, but right only in one, which is why it is easy to fail and difficult to succeed-easy to miss the target and difficult to hit it.--Aristotle | |
7 | 因此,一旦铁路上真出了问题,人们便不假思索地责备铁路当局 | It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities when something does go wrong . | |
8 | 有时机器不知为什么就坏了 | Sometimes the machine will go wrong without any apparent cause | |
9 | 在瞬息万变的今天,还要有预见社会发展的疏漏而知所纠偏的洞察力与勇气。 | But to keep up with the fast-changing world, a leader also needs to have the foresight to predict what may go wrong as well as the courage to correct it | |
10 | 在这个关键的,临近尾声的阶段,他不希望自己精神产儿的降生出现任何差错。 | At this vital, near-final stage he wanted nothing to go wrong with the launching of his brainchild | |
11 | 这方案不可能出毛病。 | The project can’t go wrong . | |
12 | 这计划不可能出毛病。 | The plan can’t go wrong . | |
13 | 这计划也许会出错。 | The plan may go wrong . | |
14 | 这计划永远都不会出错。 | The plan will never go wrong . | |
15 | 这类事情出错时,政府总是会受到指责。 | When these things go wrong , the government tends to take the rap. | |
16 | 正如悉尼郊区帕拉马塔的许多人最近发现的那样,事情出岔子的规模可能很大。 | Things can go wrong on a big scale as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney. | |
17 | 只要一出事他就爱说`我早就跟你说过吧!' | He loves to say `I told you so!’ when things go wrong . | |
18 | 做广告的人们多年前就发现我们大家都喜欢免费得到东西,凡是用免费“这个神奇的词开头的广告很少会失败的 | Advertisers discovered years ago that all of us love to get something for nothing. An advertisement which begins with the magic word FREE can rarely go wrong . | |
19 | ||1:但这毕竟是从理论角度而言的。||2:"空中起重机"从未使用过,在实际中还可能出现诸多其它差错。||3:事实上,火星也充当了不少航天器破坏者的角色。||4:自1960年前苏联第一次向火星发射航天器以来,有半数左右的火星探测任务遭遇失败而无法到达火星。||5:1964年,一名记者与美国宇航局科学家约翰·卡斯尼对此问题曾有过探讨,他们构想出一种邪恶的生物——银河系食尸鬼,它穿梭于地球与火星之间,运气不佳的航天器就会变成它的口中之食。 | ||1:That, at least, is the theory.||2:But the skycrane has never been used before, and there is plenty else that could go wrong .||3:Indeed, Mars has something of a reputation for destroying spacecraft.||4:Around half the missions sent there since the first Soviet attempts in 1960 have failed to arrive.||5:A conversation on the subject in 1964, between a journalist and John Casani, a NASA scientist, spawned the idea of a Great Galactic Ghoul, a malevolent creature that prowls the space-lanes between Earth and Mars, dining on unfortunate spacecraft. | |
20 | ||1:给疲软经济体的良方很简单:自我医治。||2:与其等待美国帮他们解决问题,他们应该将近年来一连串的坏消息视作警示。||3:欧洲央行应该立即开始买债行动。||4:日本政府应该等到经济复苏之后再提升消费税。||5:实力尚存的国家,尤其是德国,应该投资基础设施建设。||6:即使是美国和应该也应该小心谨慎,特别是不要过早紧缩货币政策。||7:随时都有可能出岔子—他们可不想再重新回到经济衰退的悲惨境地。 | ||1:The prescription for the weaklings is simple: heal thyself.||2:Rather than waiting for America to solve their problems, the laggards should treat the recent spate of bad news as a wake-up call.||3:The ECB should start bond-buying forthwith.||4:The Japanese government should delay the rise in the consumption tax until the economy recovers.||5:Countries that can afford it, notably Germany, should invest in infrastructure.||6:And even America and Britain should be wary, especially over tightening monetary policy too quickly.||7:There is a lot that can go wrong —and they don’t want to be dragged back into those woods again. | |
21 | 当业务上出现问题时,雇主可能会上火。他可能喊道:“别再犯错了,努力。” | When things go wrong in a business, an employer may get angry. He may shout, "Stop making mistakes. Get your act together." | |
22 | 当业务上出现问题时,雇主可能会上火。他可能喊道:“别再犯错了,努力。” | When things go wrong in a business, an employer may get angry. He may shout, "Stop making mistakes. Get your act together." | |
23 | 许多美国人在偏离目标或出错时会说事情偏离轨道(things get derailed)。例如,他们可能会这么说,“我的旅行计划由于天气恶劣未能实现。” | Many Americans say things get derailed when they go off track or away from a goal – or when they simply go wrong . For example, they might say something like this, "My travel plans got derailed by the bad weather." | |
24 | “如果我们实施大量的监管政策,我可以保证,什么都不会出错的,但是什么又都不对,”他说。 | "You can have huge amounts of regulation and I will guarantee nothing will go wrong , but nothing will go right either, " he said. | |
25 | 1992年是一场看不到希望的大灾难,而1994年辉煌灿烂,并且没有什么会出错。 | In 1992, it was disaster with no hope. In 1994, it was brilliant and nothing could go wrong . | |
26 | 2008年的金融危机就是一个非常具有教育意思的时刻,一场实际教训,说明如果任凭市场经济自我调整就会发生什么样的问题。 | The financial crisis of 2008 was a teachable moment, an object lesson in what can go wrong if you trust a market economy to regulate itself. | |
27 | 阿富汗是头号鸦片与海洛因的出口国。这张图是该国混乱的一个缩影。 | Afghanistan is the No. 1 exporter of opium and heroin, and this picture is a microcosm of everything that can go wrong in a country. | |
28 | 爸爸认为如果我要在电脑上玩电子游戏的话,电脑就会出毛病 | thinks if I play games on it, it will go wrong . My father | |
29 | 悲观的人使用相同的“剧本”;但是,当情况出问题就责备自己,而事情顺利,又拒绝给自己赞颂。 | Pessimists use the same scripts; but they blame themselves when things go wrong and refuse to give themselves credit when things go well. | |
30 | 不管你多么努力的去做的演讲,总有一些小失误是难以避免的。 | 8. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Despite your best preparation, something might go wrong as it did during the keynote. |